Patriots, it has been awhile since I wrote a blog, but this impeachment circus prompted me into addressing this ridiculous and scandalous issue. Leading this parade of buffoons is none other than “Nasty” Nancy Pelosi, who I have deemed officially “The Wicked Witch Of The West” since she is from Californication, and she is definitely a witch, thus the aforementioned moniker, (BOOYAH)! Nobody deserves such a title of indecency more than except for maybe the Queen of Mean, Hitlery Clinton. She has a part in this bogus impeachment façade also, but we will speak of it at another time. Speaking of our beloved speaker of the house, her new web address is WWW. WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST. COMMUNIST, very descriptive and appropriate. I think!

Heading up this charade of this Kangaroo Court, is the Round Mound of a CLOWN, Jerry Nadler, what an idiot, He sits up at the inquiry (so to speak) with his gavel and tries his level best to not let the Republicans speak or have a counter point, when they do Representative Collins, Representative Jim Jordan and Representative Louis Gohmert blow him away, stating that there is absolutely no evidence of any impeachable offense, even after 3 years of exhaustive, expensive (40-45 million dollars of your money spent on a litany of lies and innuendos) so called investigations. You know the Mueller report (AKA:Russia,Russia,Russia), where Mueller didn’t even know what they were supposed to be investigating, during his embarrassing testimony. That was an absolute bust, so the liberal, communist, progressives tried to go for the Ukrainian angle. Talk about jumping off in the shallow end of the  pool, these dunderheads are trying to impeach Trump with no evidence of a crime and for only asking Ukrainian president Zelensky, who was voted into office to do away with CORRUPTION, to look into ex Vice President Biden and his worthless son’s shenanigans in Ukraine. Keep in mind Biden was caught on tape stating how he had bullied Ukrainian officials into dropping the investigation into his son or he would withhold 1 billion dollars of American aid to Ukraine. There is the crime:  the Democrats and the Lame Brain Media act like that never happened, it is called projectionism, where you blame your opponents of doing what your side is absolutely doing!! By the way, what Trump did was what he was supposed to do as our President, he also released the transcripts of his conversation and the Democrats are still making up crap he supposedly said!

I am hoping that our investigation into the Democratic Devils reveals and prosecutes the real illegal perpetrators (TRAITORS) in this cover-up for the DEEP STATE! DRAIN THE SWAMP of these SEWER RATS and get the CORRUPTION out of our Government, and vote these low lives out like THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST, Jerry Nadler, Adam (Pencil Neck Bug Eyed) Schiff and a bevy of other swamp monsters, BOOYAH, BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!            THE MINUTEMAN

P.S. The WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST’S district in San Fransicko, Californication is a literal cesspool, with homeless people, drug addicts and illegal aliens roaming the supposed Sanctuary City. Indicative of the Sanctuary City status, there are tents, piles of stinky refuse plus the ‘coup de grace’, human feces and discarded needles all over the street within a short distance of Nancy Pelosi’s gated neighborhood. By the way I heard on Rush’s program that media giant ORACLE just pulled out of a multimillion dollar convention in San Francisco because of the aforementioned squalid conditions! This is what you get with Democrats calling the shots, look at any city where they control the political environment. Like President Trump said, “what do you have to lose” by voting for Trump!! BOOYAH!!

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