Yes, Patriots this is the title of the new Dinesh D’Souza film documentary, but it is also the fate of this great nation if our citizenry becomes apathetic and lazy, which is unfortunately a possible path if action is not done by Patriotic Americans! The new Film Death Of A Nation was released on August 3, 2018. I know I am a little dated but alas my other jobs get in my way.

Anyway, I saw the movie on it’s opening weekend and loved the movie and gave it 5 out of 5 Flags unlike all of the liberal critics, that gave the film 1 out of 5 stars, from practically every site. Rotten Tomatoes and Roger Ebert gave the film the poor rating but that is to be expected from liberal dipsticks like that. Whatever they say on their critiques I do the opposite, so if they don’t like it I love it! What a bunch of liberal hacks, but although I saw on the Rotten Tomatoes site they gave a 0% rating, it had an audience rating of 90%. So the Audience gives it a 90%, quite a discrepancy in reviews. They are Fake News just like the rest of the liberal media!! I also read the review from the Hollywood Reporter that gave the movie a 1 out of 5 rating as well, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, knock me over with a feather. Are you shocked that a bunch of liberal/progressive, slack-jawed useful idiots toe the line for their liberal/progressive/socialist/communist caretakers.

This film is named as the antithesis of a film called “Birth Of A Nation”, which was a film shown by a progressive hero(zero) American president in the WHITE HOUSE, namely Woodrow Wilson. Guess what Boys and Girls, what this film was celebrating, none other than the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, which is historically the military arm of the Democratic Party. So the hero president of the Democratic Party is nothing but a blatant RACIST! That is the history of the Democratic Party if you want to do the research, or you can watch the movie and then check Dinesh D’souza’s research. I have found him to be 100% truthful and factual. The Democratic Party that essentially owns the media, do not wish their true and ugly history to get out to their minion constituents. They, the Democrats, are the true RACISTS. The Republicans were always on the side of civil rights and equal justice under the law! You know the Democrats don’t believe In equal justice under the law. That is easily demonstrated by this fallacy of an investigation of Russian Collusion. The only Collusion has been on the part of the Democratic Party, 1 example is the Democratic presidential candidate our old friend Hillary (Hildabest) Clinton, sold 20% of our nation’s uranium to the Russian government. She was never punished for Treason and basically gets away with murder because of the Deep State’s control of our government and the liberal press!

Back to the movie review, I gave this movie 5 out of 5 Flags, I believe this is a good documentary movie, as well as entertaining. I thought it had a wealth of information and I wish everybody in America could see it, especially the indoctrinated school children that are controlled by the liberal corrupt Department of Education. If you don’t believe me try to get this film shown in the schools!!! What we as Conservatives need to do is set up our own school system or at least do home schools or private schools that don’t indoctrinate our next generation and allow the socialist takeover of our Great Nation! Now Patriots get off of your butts and become politically active whether in local, State or National levels. I am officially predicting a “Crimson Tide” for the November election, and the slogan should be “TAKE FIVE, STAY ALIVE”.


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